Equine Owner Resources

We are constantly adding and improving the quality of content found on our website. If there is a resource that you feel would be beneficial for the equine community in Northern California, please let us know. We would love to consider including it.

NCAEP "Find-a-Vet"

The Northern California Association of Equine Practitioners (NCAEP) offers “Find a Vet” – a free service that can help you find an NCAEP member veterinarian in Northern California

Consider the following when making this important decision:

•  Education & Specialized Training

•  Practice Philosophy

•  Communication Skills

•  Hours & Location

• Services Offered

•  Emergency Services

• Cost – Payment Policy/Methods

Poison Control Hotline

The best information can often be obtained from your veterinarian or animal poison control center. These services provide treatment advice for a fee: ASPCA Animal Poison Control (888-426-4435) and Pet Poison Helpline (855-764-7661).

UC Davis Large Animal Clinic

In addition to the many specialty services available through regularly scheduled appointments, the Large Animal Clinic at the UC Davis Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital also provides emergency care 24 hours/day, 365 days/year.

Center for Equine Health

The Center for Equine Health (CEH),  as part of the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, is dedicated to advancing the health, welfare, performance and veterinary care of horses through research, education and public service.

CEH also serves as the USDA’s California contagious equine metritis (CEM) quarantine and treatment station for mares and stallions newly imported into the United States. They offer continuing care boarding to horses recovering from illness, injuries, surgery or other procedures, as well as foaling services. Close proximity to the UC Davis veterinary hospital makes the CEH facility an ideal place where horses can receive individualized care and convenient follow-up visits at the hospital.

American Association of Equine Practitioners

The AAEP is an excellent resource for quality horse health information from the experts!

Horse Side Vet Guide App

Horse Side Vet Guide® is a constantly growing custom-built relational database of equine health information.  You can download the HSVG app from iTunes for your iPhone (iPad) or from GooglePlay for Android devices for a few dollars and use it without cell service or an Internet connection.  You can also search the HSVG knowledge-base for free on their website by signing up with a valid email address.

HSVG is a constantly growing database of equine healthcare information. Although it currently contains a wealth of information about equine healthcare, it is not complete – and never will be.  Additional observations, diagnostics, diagnoses, treatments, skills, supplies, media, terms & topics, and outside resources are added to HSVG on an ongoing basis.

COVID-19 Resources

We have a compiled a central source for accurate information to help horse owners and practitioners navigate this disease pandemic. If there is a resource that you feel would be beneficial for the equine community in Northern California, please let us know.

COVID-19 Resource Page